My Love for Calligraphy started in 2000 when I first picked up my Calligraphy pen. I was filled with joy and enthusiasm. Oh my god!! How am I going to do this? This is going to take me ages to learn.

When I started practicing calligraphy and kept repeating the font “A”. I found it so hard. I thought I might quit. My fingers had begun cramping at the letter “A” itself….But I never gave up. Having now mastered the art of calligraphy, I wanted to make some easy tools for my students to learn calligraphy without fear and do it as simple as lines.
As we learn from the age of 3 to hold the pencil. Make a line, it takes lot of efforts for the child when the training is given to the child. The muscles get tighten up to hold the first pencil. Practice of holding pencil or pen will get you to the next level.
What is Calligraphy?
The word Calligraphy is derived from the Greek Kalle graphe, meaning beautiful writing an expression to define each letter in a most fascinating ways. Creativity comes from anywhere how you express your creativity matters.
The practice of calligraphy provides a freedom of expression and makes one better able to appreciate the work done by other artist and craftsmen. It will repay in full the time you give to it.
Material Use for Calligraphy
· 4 lines paper/Graph Book
· Calligraphy Marker
· Calligraphy Pen
· Sketch Pen
· Cut Nib
· Bamboo Stick
· Ink /Ink Filler / Cartridge
· Pencil, Rubber, Ruler
Different Types of Calligraphy
The main English lettering are into different types Roman, Humanistic, Gothic, Italic are composed thick and thick strokes. These letter may be vertical or slant position. Very important to know the basic shapes the anatomy and structure of alphabet. The most important factor is how to hold a pen in 45 degree angle.
Roman Letter
Roman Letters are very classic popular for its simplicity, legibility and ideal proportion. The style of Roman writing approach to perfection dignified and steady.

Cursive Writing
Cursive Writing is plain but free It is joined – up and faster to write. The faster these hands are written the more the writer’s individuality will show. The borderline between informal lettering and handwriting is difficult to define.

Italic Script
Italic letter have slanting position but this may be written vertically. Italic is accepted globally. This style stands significant gesture in advertisement especially for the abstract ideas of elegance, femininity and grace.

Gothic Alphabet
Its angular Square cut end round form enter blackness thick and thin appearance. Its come from Western European. This is one of my students Journal.I think she needs more practice as you see each letter needs to be more precise to define its size, space and flow.

Modern Calligraphy